The Facts About Managed Care

FACT CHECK: Managed Care Opponents Mislead Arkansas Taxpayers In Latest Arkansas Business Issue

Managed Care Opponents Are Desperate To Protect A Status Quo System At The Expense Of Taxpayers

Opponents Claim Cost-Saving Measures Already Exist. “The measures that MCOs [managed care organizations] employ to lower costs in order to make a profit for themselves have already been implemented in the state’s Medicaid program.” (Arkansas Business, 7/4/16)

FACT: According to the Stephen Group, Governor Asa Hutchinson’s managed care plan for developmental disability and behavioral health populations would save $1.439 billion over five years. When extended to all populations, managed care can save the state $2.5 billion over five years. These savings and efficiencies are above and beyond current state Medicaid programs.  (The Stephen Group)