The Facts About Managed Care #2


Managed Care Opponents Mislead Arkansas Taxpayers In Latest Arkansas Business Issue

Managed Care Opponents Deploy Scare Tactics To Stall Medicaid Reform

Opponents Claim Managed Care Would Cut Services And Reimbursement Rates. “It’s also likely that they [MCOs] would ultimately resort to (1) rationing care for Arkansas’ most needy patients, (2) depleting the state’s current Medicaid provider infrastructure by paying providers such poor rates that doctors are unable to see Medicaid patients…” (Arkansas Business, 7/4/16)

FACT: Governor's Proposed Bill of Rights Promises No Cuts To Reimbursement Rates. A proposed bill of rights supported by Governor Asa Hutchinson requires that all MCOs continue the exact same reimbursement rate as today to guarantee savings are not achieved by cutting payments to providers. (Talk Business, 3/22/16)